I wanted to work with this idea of making tags with sayings on them about shopping, or about a shopping addiction, and slip them into pockets of clothing at stores. Then after it was purchased, the person would go home and have a special surprise in their pocket.

(the gray dots are where the hole will be for string to be tied so it looks like an actual tag.)

A couple others.

I also created a tumblr/blog for everything to be linked back to.
The blog will feature my project, things related to shopping, pictures of my recent purchases, and my contact information.
What will go under each section of the blog:
The Project-
This section will include all information about the project, including the exhibition, and the tags.
My Addiction-
Here is where I will list quotes pertaining to shopping, recent sales I've seen that are worth hitting up, fashion (and makeup) trends I'm interested in, and things on my shopping wish list.
Recent Purchases-
This is where I'll put pictures of my recent purchases with color swatches (using adobe kuler).
This is where I'll have pictures of the tags I've made, and pictures of where I put them. Also, if anyone finds any of the tags and messages me saying they found one, I'll display the message here.
This will be misc contact info, including my e-mail and a link to my photography blog.
* EVERYTHING IS IN A VERY ROUGH DRAFT STATE, but I just wanted to get some ideas out there.
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